Monday, July 09, 2007


Leave me alone about my spelling error in my first post (FIRST). (-:

People Crack Me Up

Just a quick rant. :)

So this morning I'm on my way into work. I'm on I-5 heading down the hill (called "the Tukwila hill") and this freakin' crazy head case in a green Toyota something or rather (Corolla or Tercel .. maybe even a Camry) zooms in in front of me. This isn't atypical, however, what happened next was sweet revenge (side note: I suffer from road rage :)). So we merge onto I-405 and I'm thinking, "Sweet! I can totally get ahead of her and repay the favor! Gertie (Short for "Gertrude" -- my 2004 Subaru Forester X) won't let me down!

So we head down past Renton and out of nowhere this guy in this late 70's (I'm only guessing - I'm not familiar with the cars) El Camino comes roaring up out of NOwhere. By this time, I've made my way around the Toyota and am steaming along at a strong 15 mph (I LOVE the ridiculous traffic here. Put me out of my misery and stab me in the neck. Please).


She gets (the Toyota) RIGHT up on my rear end, to block the older Chevy from merging ... typical jackass maneuver practiced down here in the "friendly NW". So anyways. I look forward to make sure I'm not going to cause a larger traffic jam by all of the people who would have to stop and look in case I rear-end the white Chevy van in front of me and I hear this "beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep! beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!" and I turn to look back and the Toyota is literally sideways at about a 45 degree in the lane and the Chevy has made it's way in between the two of us. Apparently he pulled an anti-block move and just merged, obviously not caring about his car and knowing how the woman would react. I wanted to give the guy a thumbs-up for treating an obvious jackass like, well, a jackass (the woman) but I just smiled and continued onto work.

Gotta love Seattle people. Hell, you have to. They're EVERYwhere down here!